SDS Models HO 20ft ERB Superpak Continers 3 Pack A
Complementing our earlier Railways Of Australia Container Express (RACE) 20’ containers models are these new versions.
The L and D versions were built as a trial prior to ordering the GC and VC types. They later found usage as ICI Explosives containers for traffic around Southern NSW and into Victoria.
The NGA and NGB were later iterations of RACE containers and operated under the new Trackfast brand. Later the NGB version became ERB coded with Superpak brand.
The MSL is the NSW version of a gated curtainside container, the VSL is the Victorian version, each version has unique end detail.
Later the MSL versions became ERM coded under the Superpak brand.
The SRA branded containers were synonymous with the NSW Speed- freight services operated in the 1990s.