Light My Bricks USB Extension Cable 3 Metre
Light My Bricks USB Extension Cable 3 Metre
This USB Extension Cable is 3 meters in length and provides flexibility in lighting your multiple light kits. This cable has been tested and approved to work with our lighting system. Simply connect your existing USB Power Cable to the female end and lead the other end to your USB Power Bank or Power Adaptor.
It’s Time to Light it Up!
Light My Brick’s LEDs can be powered using mains power via our USB power cables connected to the correct power adaptor. These components all run on a very low voltage of 5V, so it is essential to use appropriate power adaptors. As a guide, look for a power adaptor with a rating output of no more than 4 Amps. Do NOT power using adaptors that have an output of any more than 4amps. Be very careful of using aftermarket universal adaptors as quite often these “cheaper” adaptors do not output stable current. Electronic spikes can dramatically shorten the life of our LEDs and can also result in them burning out or becoming very dim. Using such adaptors will void the warranty of your lights.
Light My Bricks LEGO Lighting Kits provide an easy way to light up and customise brick models using LED lights. All Light My Bricks sets are designed to be easy to install and plug and play – no technical know how required!