Windsock Datafile 153 Royal Aircraft Factory RE.8 at War
THIS new and expanded DATAFILE profiles one of the classics of WWI aviation,the ubiquitous ‘Harry Tate’.Royal Aircraft Factory specialist Paul R Hare traces the type’s entry into the ‘Great War’ and its varied and lengthy service career.Despite its ungainly appearance, the RE8 could give a good account of itself when the situation demanded.Many examples of unlikely combat successes are related in this packed 40 pager that presents all-new 1:48 and 1:72 scale drawings by Mick Davis featuring all variants.There are 58 archive photos;67 colour images-mostly close-ups and cockpit interiors- of the new TVAL RE8 airworthy reproduction and the IWM original at Duxford.Ronny Bar contributes three pages of his superb colour profiles,while Jerry Boucher provides the stirring front cover art. With colour notes and an up-to-date kit list,this DATAFILE is an absolute must for anyone modelling the RE8!