Mikro-Mir MM72-019 1/72 SNCASO Trident II
Two prototype SO.9050 Trident IIs were ordered in 1954 and primarily differed from their predecessors by the use of a more powerful rocket as a two-chamber 29.3 kN (6,600 lbf) SEPR 631 rocket replaced the SEPR 431. Other changes included the deletion of the ailerons, a smaller wing, an enlarged cockpit, the transfer of the speed brakes from the wings to the fuselage and the lengthening of the landing gear to accommodate a large air-to-air missile (AAM) beneath the fuselage.[13] The first aircraft made its maiden flight on 19 July 1955, albeit only with its turbojets, and its first rocket-powered flight occurred on 21 December. The second prototype first flew on 4 January 1956, but was destroyed three days later when the fuel pump to the turbojets failed and the engines flamed out. A third prototype had been built by SNCASO to develop a surface-to-air missile based on the Trident, but it was purchased by the Air Force to replace the destroyed aircraft and first flew on 30 March